Russian and North Korean jamming systems
The second type of jammer is a derivative of the Russian system, produced domestically by North Korea. It is believed that this device has similar functions but is less expensive. In early 2010, South Korean intelligence agencies claimed that North Korea had purchased a new 24-watt jammer from Russia. This device can interfere with GPS signals within a radius of 400 kilometers, basically covering the entire Korean Peninsula.

British government response
Last year, the British government announced action to address the threat of drones in the hands of amateurs. The measures include mandatory registration and safety testing, which is actually a licensing system. DJI appears to be looking to include multiple guess tests in the UK licensing program, giving it an edge over the competition.
Importance of GPS Signals
Why are GPS signals so important? An invasion from the South would likely require some kind of GPS signal for logistical coordination. However, the satellite signals used by military and civilian equipment may be powered by some secret system unknown to us. Therefore, while GPS tracking signal jammers can affect civilian equipment, the impact on military operations may be limited.
North Korea's Jamming Campaign
South Korean government officials reported that North Korea's jamming campaign in late March targeted aircraft navigation equipment. North Korea reportedly broadcast 100 jamming signals, affecting 962 aircraft and nearly 700 fishing boats, and even mobile phone towers. These jamming signals severely affected civilian aviation and maritime activities, demonstrating the powerful destructive power of jammers.
GPS tracking signal jammers play different roles in different situations. They can be used as tools by the enemy to disrupt the normal operation of aircraft and other equipment, affecting navigation and communication systems. However, jammers can also be used as a defensive tool by certain countries to protect their airspace and territorial waters from external threats. Whether by friend or foe, the use of GPS tracking signal jammers requires careful consideration of their possible impact and consequences.