The US Army is seeking new strategies and technologies to cope with complex battlefield environments. In future conflicts, high-altitude signal jammer s are seen as a key capability that can provide intelligence, network support, and exert electronic jamming to enhance combat effectiveness.
Introduction and challenges of HELEIOS
- The High-altitude Extended Range and Long-endurance Intelligence and Observation Jammer System planned to be developed by the US Army is an important part of achieving this goal. HELEIOS is designed to provide deep intelligence and long-range influence capabilities through high-altitude aircraft, such as solar gliders or balloons. The system will be designed to operate at an altitude of 60,000 feet or higher, capable of penetrating enemy air defense networks and deep into enemy territory.
- The core of the HELEIOS system lies in its ability to perform multiple tasks, including data collection, intelligence transmission, and potential electronic jamming. Equipped with advanced sensors and jamming equipment, HELEIOS is able to monitor enemy activities and, when necessary, interfere with their communications and control systems.
- Colonel Daniel Holland, the US Army's electronic warfare capability manager, pointed out that HELEIOS will integrate coherent distributed electromagnetic attacks, multiple low-power transmitters, and coordinated effectors on different balloons or gliders. The design goal of this system is to achieve low-cost, high-efficiency depth perception and jamming effects.
However, the development of high-altitude jammer devices faces many technical challenges. First, how to ensure the performance of sensors and jamming equipment while keeping the payload light is a key issue. In addition, as the distance between the aircraft and the target increases, issues such as size, weight and power also need to be addressed.
The strategic importance of high-altitude jammers
The introduction of high-altitude signal jammer devices is not only a technological breakthrough, but also a strategic necessity. With the changes in the global security situation, especially the rapid development of opponents in electronic warfare capabilities, the Army must ensure that it maintains its advantage in the electromagnetic spectrum. Historically, Russia's actions in Ukraine, for example, have demonstrated the effectiveness of using electronic warfare technology to interfere with the enemy.

Through the HELEIOS intelligent jammer system, the U.S. Army hopes to gain information advantage in future multi-domain battles, obtain battlefield intelligence in a timely manner and interfere with the enemy, thereby creating a more favorable combat environment for its own troops.
The U.S. Army plans to begin experimenting with HELEIOS in the upcoming Project Convergence exercise and technical demonstrations in fiscal year 2022. Initially, the service hopes to mount the sensor on a balloon for reconnaissance and interference above the target. Through continuous testing and improvement, the Army looks forward to gradually incorporating this technology into actual operations.