The original intention and current challenges of prison cell phone jammers
Interior Minister Eduardo Bonomi recently explained why cell phone signal jammers in Libertad Prison failed to prevent prisoners from using their phones. In an interview, Bonomi admitted that while jammers were installed in prisons to prevent prisoners from making illegal communications, as telephone technology has improved, operators have increased signal strength, making these signal jammers obsolete and ineffective.

Operators increase signal strength and jammer failure
Initially, cellphone jammers were installed in Libertad and Comcar prisons to curb prisoners' ability to communicate. However, as telephone technology has continued to advance, operators have also continued to improve signal coverage and strength, making jammer devices originally designed to block signals ineffective. Bonomi explained that while not all companies have enhanced the signal, prisoners have long mastered how to exploit these technical loopholes and choose phones that work properly for communication.
Challenges of technological updates
Bonomi pointed out that while the advancement of telephone technology is reasonable, it has brought challenges to the jammer system in prisons. Operators continue to improve technology to meet customer needs, which inevitably affects the signal blocking effect in prisons.

Bonomi mentioned that it was this failure of technology that led to the case of "Coco" Parentini. Parentini used a mobile phone to direct the execution of Nacional fans, and the subsequent arrest of two murderers and an accomplice. The investigation showed that Parentini not only communicated with his accomplices through the mobile phone, but also provided drugs, further revealing the shortcomings of jammer technology in practical application.
Future prospects and improvement directions
In 2015, reports on the installation of suppressors at the Santiago Vázquez complex showed that jammer technology may encounter problems in the early stages of implementation. Bonomi emphasized that in order to solve these technical challenges, the jammer system needs to be updated and improved in the future. Governments and technology providers should work together to ensure that technology is effective in blocking illegal communications, taking into account the continuous development and evolution of technology.